Matcha Tea Spill: The Real Tea Spill Over Ceremonial Matcha

Matcha Tea Spill: De echte tea spill over ceremoniële matcha

Good matcha comes from Japan, even my one and a half year old daughter knows that. The matcha hype is everywhere, and suddenly everyone seems to be selling matcha. But here's the thing: there are only a few real matcha farms in Japan! So that so-called matcha you might buy somewhere is probably just green tea powder.

We traveled to Japan to find out what matcha really is, and I'm sorry to say that chances are your matcha is actually something different than you think.

What is matcha and what does it do to you?

Matcha is a superfine green tea powder from Japan, made from the finest tea leaves. Unlike regular tea, where you let the leaves steep, with matcha you drink the whole leaf. This gives you a powerful dose of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in one cup.

You tried matcha at Starbucks and found it to be… You don’t want to give it another chance, let me turn you into a matcha addict!

Making matcha is an intensive process. The farms can only process 10,000 kg of tea leaves per day, and of that, only 1,500 kg remains of refined tencha – the basis for matcha. That is why our matcha is so often sold out; we only sell authentic matcha, no green tea powder.

You can tell quality matcha by its color and consistency! The greener and clayier the better the quality. The browner and grainier the worse the quality and of course this is also much cheaper. Good matcha is so labor intensive and you pay the price for it. But believe me once you experience the heath benefits and the taste of quality matcha, you don't want to go back.

Our matcha comes from Nishi, the only organic matcha farm in Japan. Availability is super scarce. Every year they choose only one customer to bring their product to Europe. And this year we were the lucky ones! 🥹 This makes us the only distributor in Europe of this high-quality organic matcha.

Why you should switch your coffee to matcha

You get an energy boost from the combination of caffeine and L-theanine. No more sudden dips!

  • Calm focus: Matcha improves your concentration without the nervousness that often comes with coffee. Ideal for work or study.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: Matcha is packed with antioxidants like EGCG, which help protect your body and boost your immune system.
  • Less acid attacks: Matcha is less acidic than coffee, which is better for your stomach and teeth & your breath… we all know a teacher from back in the day who had a coffee mouth like that haha, introduce them matcha!
  • Natural detox: Matcha supports your body's natural detox thanks to its high chlorophyll content.

Packaging: Sustainable and Safe

Our matcha comes in a stainless steel tin with a food-grade varnish. We chose stainless steel because it is sustainable and prevents the matcha from oxidizing. Metal tins with bags in them are not an option, because that is not only worse for the environment, but also less practical. We want to focus on sustainability, because if we don't, we will soon no longer have matcha farms!

What about oxidation?

Don’t worry if you use a metal spoon to scoop your matcha. In Japan they also use a metal sieve, so it’s perfectly fine. The trick is to keep your matcha well sealed and out of the light – for example, store it in our special jars in the fridge.

So when you drink matcha, make sure it's the best quality: organic, ceremonial, sustainable. Because only the best matcha gives you that real boost! 🍵💪🏻

HOW TO MAKE IT? Because you might still be skeptical because you tasted it before and didn't like it:

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